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Meet The President




Shelby Brown, a U.S. Army veteran with more than 12 years of military service, brings to his company more than a decade of audit and investigational experience at the regulatory and government levels. He is experienced in interpreting and implementing laws and regulations, along with writing regulations, policies, and standard operating procedures (SOPs), both as an investigator and as a military professional. 

He currently serves as the Compliance and Security Director for iAnthus Capital Holdings. Prior to that he was an Investigator for the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC). In this capacity, he provided guidance for new cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensing licensees on how to ensure their facilities were compliant with all applicable rules and regulations. He conducted announced and unannounced investigations of medicinal marijuana facilities licensed by the MMCC and located across the state of Maryland. They included inspection of equipment, raw and processed material, containers and labeling, company and inventory records, financial and sales data, Shipping information, employee records, and more. 

Previously, he served as Drug Investigator for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where he used the Code of Federal Regulation and the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as his guide to ensure the compliance of all firms regulated by the FDA. He evaluated medical product facility compliance; performed audits under applicable CGMP regulation, Quality Assurance, and other legal requirements; participated in formulating new regulations, procedures, and programs with national and international impact; adapted and applied investigative methods and negotiating techniques to conduct inspections and investigations of manufacturers and operations; served as a subject matter specialist in the evaluation of drug manufacturing and compounding facilities; and served as the consumer complaint coordinator for the Baltimore District Office.

While serving in the U.S. military from 2002 to 2014, Mr. Brown was an Army Nurse and later a Military Police Officer. He was mobilized in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, where he received the Air Force Achievement Medal for meritorious service. In 2009 Mr. Brown went on a temporary deployment working with California Counter Drug and Customs and Border Protection. He was the Executive Officer, second in command, of this mission. It was here that he was awarded the California Counter Drug Ribbon and the Army Commendation Medal. Shelby was an Officer Candidate at the time was performing above his pay grade, a position normally held by a Lieutenant. Under Task Force Grizzly, he was the Officer in Charge onsite and led 50 troops. He was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for swiftly securing all equipment and safely securing all personnel during a major sniper event.  

Shelby then went to the Military Police Academy in 2010. After the Academy, he took the position of the Operations Platoon Sergeant of a Military Intelligence Battalion in Maryland. Here Shelby trained troops on investigations, physical security, and developed unit standard operating procedures. In 2011 Shelby went on a temporary deployment to West Africa during the AfricaCom Conference, where he was recognized for training the local resident military how to develop restricted area and control access. He went further and helped them to construct a regulation and SOP to follow for this process.

Mr. Brown completed his Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Post University in 2018. He also holds a graduate level certification in project management from Post University. While in the military, he completed multiple trainings and in 2003 graduated from the Academy of Health Care Sciences at Ft Sam Houston, San Antonio Texas. He holds Certifications as Military Police Instructor, Military CPR Instructor, Military First Aid Instructor, and Military Combat Life Saver Instructor.

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